Empower your drivers with performance-enhancing technology.
Give power to your drivers and visibility to your dispatchers with real-time status updates and notifications.

GreenMile Driver
Empower your drivers with performance-enhancing technology.
Give power to your drivers and visibility to your dispatchers with real-time status updates and notifications.

Make the last mile more efficient and profitable.
Make the last mile more efficient and profitable.
Equip your drivers with the tools to effectively execute every route plan, every time. With GreenMile Driver, your mobile resources receive detailed information about their route plan as well as many tools to help them execute their routes effectively while providing dispatchers with real-time route updates and performance statistics from the field.
GreenMile Driver Benefits
Access detailed route plans and customer delivery information
Improve driver efficiency with guided navigation and real time traffic data
Capture proof-of-delivery (POD) information and track Hours of Service
Eliminate paperwork and make your delivery fully digital

GreenMile Driver Features
Voice & Visual Navigation
With real-time voice and visual navigation, live traffic data and commercial road restrictions, drivers are given the information they need to successfully execute the planned route.
Digital Distribution
Drivers can visualize their route manifest from their smartphone, input products and quantities delivered, and generate and send invoices from their phones, thus eliminating the cost of paperwork and reducing the time consumed in a manual process.
Proof of Delivery
Drivers can take pictures of damaged goods or obtain a signature from their customers once the delivery or service is completed.
Cash Collection & Reconciliation
Drivers can receive or register payments through GreenMile Driver, verify credit availability and even sell spare products. At the end of the route, GreenMile can significantly expedite the cash reconciliation process.
Voice & Visual Navigation
With real-time voice and visual navigation, live traffic data and commercial road restrictions, drivers are given the information they need to successfully execute the planned route.
Digital Distribution
Drivers can visualize their route manifest from their smartphone, input products and quantities delivered, and generate and send invoices from their phones, thus eliminating the cost of paperwork and reducing the time consumed in a manual process.
Proof of Delivery
Drivers can take pictures of damaged goods or obtain a signature from their customers once the delivery or service is completed.
Cash Collection & Reconciliation
Drivers can receive or register payments through GreenMile Driver, verify credit availability and even sell spare products. At the end of the route, GreenMile can significantly expedite the cash reconciliation process.

GreenMile Live
Track productivity of your mobile teams, reduce last-mile costs and improve customer service with this powerful platform.

GreenMile Driver
Give power to your drivers and visibility to your dispatchers with real-time route, delivery, and service status updates.

GreenMile Manager
Manage your team from anywhere to prevent service and delivery problems before they happen.

Professional Services
Ensure you see the maximum benefit from your investment with our best-in-class professional services.