Wine & Spirits




Wine & Spirits




Fleet Size

Distribution Centers

Atlanta, GA

19 States
Service Area
As one of the nation’s leading wholesale alcohol beverage distributors, it’s obvious that RNDC has a complex distribution network and vast servicing reach. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia—the Republic National Distributing Company distributes wine, spirits, beer and other beverages from a network of 32 warehouses across 19 states. With a delivery fleet of over 2,000 vehicles and more than 15,000 customers serviced each week—the demand for real-time driver visibility and actual vs planned analysis became
"The beauty of GreenMile is that it shows us the real-time status of deliveries throughout the day. We have visibility into all the trucks and routes across the entire company. I can click on any one of them on my computer screen and see where the driver is, as well as when he will be at his next stop."
John Friel, Distribution Director for RNDC
GreenMile partnered with RNDC to fully integrate all of their drivers to the GreenMile mobile app and management portal. This implementation directly links drivers to the cloud-based GreenMile fleet management solution—empowering delivery drivers through their phone and providing real-time visibility into what’s going on out on the road. In tandem, it creates better communication between drivers, customer service, salespeople and distribution management. With more accurate data on service time, delivery routes were managed more effectively to make optimal use of company resources, people, trucks and advance customer service overall.
Business Results
Route Monitoring Compliance
Enhanced Actual vs Plan Analysis
Meeting Operational Objectives
Improved Case Per Route Integration
The Republic National Distributing Company was able to improve efficiency across the
board—reducing fuel costs and increasing productivity; such as adding stops and orders, all while running fewer trucks. In furthering the GreenMile integration into the overall operation, RNDC continues to benefit from increased visibility, streamlined daily operations, and more accurate data to inform future improvements and initiatives.